Behind the Headlines: EU contacts with Hamas

Behind the Headlines: EU contacts with Hamas

    Israel opposes anything that demonstrates acceptance of Hamas as a legitimate player.

    Recently (16 June), it was learned that the European Union has begun to permit its representative to hold talks with members of the Hamas terror organization.

    In reaction to this change in EU policy, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev stated:

    "The Hamas is a murderous terrorist organization responsible for countless acts of violence. Anything that demonstrates acceptance of Hamas as a legitimate player is a problem. We think the international community should be engaging the moderates in Palestinian society. We would be critical of a policy that could be perceived as appeasing the extremists. "

    Israel feels that the circumstances which brought the EU to add the Hamas to its terror list have not changed.  Indeed, the fact that the Hamas has now decided to dispatch not just suicide bombers, but also delegates to the Palestinian Legislative Council, does not in any way change the heinous character of this organization.

    The Hamas is an organization dedicated to the destruction of the State of Israel, which rejects any peaceful compromise solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Israel feels that any contacts with this group would only grant it a false legitimacy, thus weakening the moderate elements among the Palestinians and undermining their efforts to combat and prevent Hamas terrorism.